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Personal Injury Law Is More Complex Than You Think

I always assumed that personal injury cases where pretty straight forward. After being in an accident, any financial losses that you suffered would be reimbursed by the liable party's insurance company. Unfortunately, things only work this way in a perfect world. In the real world, personal injury cases are extremely complex and getting the insurance company to pay a fair settlement requires the expertise of an experienced injury lawyer. Unfortunately, it took me several months to finally seek out the legal assistance I needed. As a result, I waited much longer than necessary to get the compensation I so desperately needed. During this time, I learned more about personal injury law than I ever thought I would. It is my hope that this blog will allow me to share that knowledge with you so that you can avoid making some of the same mistakes that I did.

Personal Injury Law Is More Complex Than You Think

Personal Injury Law 101: 3 Tips For Going Back To Work Safely

by Christine Wagner

Returning to work after collecting workers compensation might be very exciting for you after your time off. However, it can also be dangerous depending on the nature of your injury. To ensure that you remain healthy and safe, make sure you follow these three tips:

1. Talk To Your Employer

Before you return to work, have a meeting with your employer. Bring a copy of your medical records and have a talk about what you can and cannot do at work. During the meeting, make sure your boss and everyone involved knows your restrictions and limitations. You might also want to talk about your current medical status, including any medications you are taking and any pain you have now. This way you, your employer, and doctor can create a plan for returning to work safely.

2. Follow Doctor's Orders

Even if you feel perfectly fine, it is important to follow all the rules set by your doctor. For example, if you cannot lift heavy things, you shouldn't do it. Violating the restrictions set by your doctor can set you up for failure. It could cause your injury to come back—or it might make it worse. Even worse, if your injury comes back and you were the cause (for overdoing it) you probably won't be eligible to collect more benefits. So no matter how good you feel, make sure you don't violate the restrictions given to you by your doctor. If your employer asks you to, simply decline and show proof of your restrictions.

3. Keep In Touch With Your Lawyer

Returning to work might sound easy—and even welcoming—but it can quickly turn into a problem. Because your injury is likely still fresh, it is a good idea to stay in contact with your lawyer. In the event that you do become injured again, your lawyer can help advise you on what to do. They can also act as a mediator between your boss and doctor. So don't just stop talking to you lawyer as soon as you get the all clear—you may need them again.

By following these three tips, you can ensure that your return to work is a healthy and happy one—without compromising your safety. If at any point you feel pain in your injury or pressure from your employer or boss, talk to a personal injury lawyer immediately. They can help document your case and help you learn more about this topic, so that you receive the care and benefits you need. 
